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He didn’t promise easy...He promised His presence!

So I am clearly a newbee to this and everyday is truly something new. Today is my first appointment since the big c-suction and I have to admit that the weight of all that I have gone through hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. I felt every human emotion known to man and then some. Then I did what we all do when we are scared....we phone a friend. Two of my Heartbeats called me immediately and we talked about God and how He understands our fears and how He plans for each and every step we take. We sometimes talk about our faith walk but I have to tell you, regardless of how many times I’ve said I was on one, this takes the cake. Until you really can’t see your next step and until you really don’t understand the the path ahead....I’m not sure I can ever really claim until now what a faith walk feels like. I am in no way taking from anyone’s story nor do I wish this journey on anyone, but I’m just sayin...this shit is scary and it ain’t for the faint of heart. But there is God again with His reminder of a mustard seed faith...and there are days when that’s all I have. I know God has big plans for me and I know that my journey was not just for im sharing every intimate detail so that you can see God in all that is happening around me - from the He showed me the lump, to He built my medical team around me, to He prepared my husband and children, to He let it happen during a pandemic to keep (or at least try) to find ways to keep folk connected, to the cure and yes the very new 25 year old breasts that will be my trophies soon enough (No pics of those though). God is able, God is present, God is healing and God Is Real. If you don’t know Him - try Him out for yourself. He will not disappoint!

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